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卞寿孙 字白眉。年三十四岁。本籍江苏仪征。生于武昌。叔綍昌。弟福孙。本籍通信处。江苏扬州左卫街。已婚。子六。女一。初学于上海震旦学院。光緖三十二年。自费游美。继补官费。入白朗大学。习政治经济学。民国元年。得学士学位。毕业时得学金奖。著有教育为社会进化之本论。载留美学生年报。民国元年回国。任北京中国银行秘书。民国二年。任中国银行发行局襄理。民国三年。任中国银行总稽核。为商学会会员。民国五年。任中孚银行主任秘书兼总稽核。现时通信处。天津英界西开敦厚里五号。

Bien, Zue-Sun.-Born in Wuchang, Hupeh, 1883. Married, 1901. Studied at Aurora College, Shanghai, 1904-5. Arrived in America, Novem-ber, 1906. Partial government support. Studied Political Science and Economics at Brown University, 1907-12. Ph. B., 1912. Appointed James Manning's Scholar for excellence in college studies on graduation, June, 1912. Author, "Education As A Means of Social Progress", Chinese Students' Annual, 1912. Returned to China, September, 1912. Assistant Secretary, Bank of China, Peking, 1912-13; Sub-Manager of the Issue Department, 1913-14; Assistant Inspector, 1914; and Inspector General, 1914-16. Chief Secre-tary and Inspector General, Chung Foo Union Bank, Tientsiu, 1916 to date.

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