弘扬华夏古籍 传承国粹精华


王承祖 年三十六岁。生于广东广州。本籍住址。广东省城河南环球桥跃龙里王培祥堂。已婚。女一。初学于天津北洋大学及上海圣约翰大学。光緖三十年。自费游美。入加利佛尼大学。习普通文科。光緖三十三年。得补官费。入康奈尔大学。习机器工程。宣统三年。得机器工程师学位。在鲍而温铁路工厂及绘图室实习。民国元年回国。民国二年。任南口京张铁路工程师。民国三年以还。任南口机车处总理。现时通信处。直隶南口京绥铁路机车处。

Wang, Shing-Tso.-Born in Canton, 1881. Married, 1914. Studied at Peiyang University, Tientsin, 1899-1900; at St. John's University, Shang-hai, 1902-3. Arrived in America, August, 1904. Partial government sup-port. Studied Liberal Arts at the University of California, 1904-7; Mechanical Engineering at Cornell University, 1907-11. M.E., 1911. Machine Shop and Drawing Room Apprentice, Baldwin's Locomotive Works, 1911-12. Returned to China, December, 1912. Mechanical Engineer, Peking-Kalgan Railway, Nankou, 1913-14. Locomotive Superintendent, Peking-Kalgan Railway, 1914 to date.

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