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伍朝枢 字梯云。年三十一岁。广东新会人。生于天津。父廷芳。永久住址。上海戈登路三号。已婚。女三。光緖二十三年。自费游美。入美京之佛士及西区高等学校。又入大西洋市之高等学校。得有毕业演说奖。光緖三十年回国。任工部及农商部主事。旋复赴英留学。宣统三年。毕业伦敦大学。得法学士学位。选任为律师。得学金及名誉奖。民国元年。归国。任湖北外交司长。民国二年。任众议院广东议员。及宪法起草委员。民国三年。任政事堂参议。民国四年。兼署外交部参事。民国五年。任国务院参议。现仍续任。给予二等嘉禾章。在京为欧美同学会评议员。又为中国社会政治学会书记。著有论宜承认中华民国。及西藏问题。均上海商务印书馆出版。现时住址。北京南池子三十二号。通信处。北京外交部。

Wu, Chao-Chu.-Born in Tientsin, Chihli, 1886. Married, 1907. Arrived in America, April, 1897. Private support. Studied at Force School, Washington, D.C., 1897-1900; at Western High School, Washington, D.C., 1900-2; at Atlantic City High School, 1902-4. Awarded Valedictorian Prize, 1904. Returned to China, 1904. Member: Ministry of Industry, 1905-7; Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, 1907. LL.B., University of London, England, 1911. Called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1911. Holder of Inns of Court Studentship and University of London Scholarship, 1911. Commissioner of Foreign Affairs for Hupeh, 1912. Member: House of Representatives, 1913-14; Conference of Constitution, 1913-14. Councillor: Cheng Shih Tang, 1914-16; Kuo Wu Yuen and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1916 to date. Secretary, Chinese Social and Political Science Association, 1915. Author: "Plea for the Recognition of the Chinese Republic," China Press, Shanghai; "What are We in Tibet?," Commercial Press, Shanghai, 1912. Second Class Chia Ho Decoration.

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