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吴家高 字忆琴。年二十八岁。生于江苏苏州。本籍住址。苏州城内滚绣坊七十二号。兄家煦。字和士。任中华书局编辑。已婚。子一。初肄业上海爱国学社。及南洋中学。为童子世界报编辑。又为南京锺英中学教员。光緖三十四年。得端忠愍助。资自费游美。入加利佛尼大学。习机器工程。宣统二年。入伊利诺爱大学。习铁路工程。民国二年。得学士学位。入哥仑比亚大学。习物理数学。为中国学生会会长及会计。世界会及靑年会职员。铁路会会员。曾演讲中国铁路史及中国数学史。为留美学生年报经理。民国三年。回国。任吴淞水产学校数学物理教员。上海靑年会日报及南洋公学英文教员。民国四年以还。住南京高等师范学校数学教员。兼为江苏省教育会理科教授研究会会计及庶务。又为南洋中学校友会评议员。现时通信处。南京高等师范学校。

Wu, C. K.-Born in Soochow, 1889. Married, 1915. Studied at Aikuo School, Shanghai, 1902-3; at Nanyang Middle School, Shanghai, 1903-7. Editor, Boys' World, 1907. Teacher, Chungying Middle School, Nanking, 1908. Arrived in America, August, 1908. Private support. Studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, 1908-10; Railway Engineering at the University of Illinois, 1910-13; Mathematics at Columbia University, 1913-14. B.S., 1913. Treasurer and one time President, Chin-ese Students' Club, 1910-13. Member, Cosmopolitan Club and Y.M.C.A. Cabinet, 1912-13. Member, Railway Club, 1911. Spoke on "History of Chin-ese Railways" at the Railway Club of the University of Illinois, 1912; on "History of Chinese Mathematics" before his class, 1913. Manager, Chinese Students' Annual, 1912-13. Returned to China, June, 1914. Teacher of English, Y.M.C.A. Day School and Nanyang College, Shanghai, 1914-15. Teacher of Mathematics and Physics, College of Aquatic Products, Woosung, 1914-15. Teacher of Mathematics, Government Teachers' College, Nanking, 1915 to date.

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