弘扬华夏古籍 传承国粹精华


余日章 年三十五岁。生于湖北武昌。永久通信处。上海靑年会。父文卿。圣公会会长。弟日宣。留学美国。已婚。子二女三。初学于武昌文华书院。毕业于上海圣约翰大学。以国文得江督周玉山所赠奖品。又以英文得奖。任武昌文华书院教员及兵操队官。为文华教育界编辑。光緖三十四年。自费游美。入哈佛大学。习教育。宣统二年。得硕士学位。被选入某名誉学会。撰中国旧日之学校一文。得奖。为留美学生会会员。北美洲中国基督教学生会会员及职员。哈佛世界会会员。屡次演说。又作文投载各报。宣统三年。回国。任武昌文华大学堂长。武昌红十字会英文书记。黎副总统府外交官。民国元年。赴京。充全国教育会代表。民国二年。任中国基督教靑年会演讲部书记。赴美国。充世界基督教学生会代表。民国四年。充游美商业团名誉书记。民国五年。任中国基督教靑年会总书记。现时通信处。上海北山西路六百四十六号。

Yui, David Z. T.-Born in Wuchang, Hupeh, 1882. Married, 1905. Studied at Boone School, Wuchang, 1896-1900; at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1900-5. Graduated, 1905. Awarded first prize for English story writing, 1903; Viceroy Chow Fu's Medal for Chinese essay, 1904. Instructor and Major of Cadet Corps, Boone College, Wuchang, 1905-8. Editor, Boone Educational World, 1906-8. Arrived in America, Septem-ber, 1908. Private support. Studied Education at Harvard University, 1908-10. M.A., 1910. Elected to Phi Delta Kappa, January, 1910. Awarded Bowdoin Prize for essay on "School of Old China", May, 1910. Member: Chinese Students' Alliance; Chinese Students' Christian Association in North America; Harvard Cosmopolitan Club, 1908-10. Delivered a number of public speeches and contributed many articles to various magazines. Returned to China, January, 1911. Head-Master, Boone University, Wuchang and English Secretary to Wuchang Red Cross Association, 1911. Secretary for Foreign Affairs to Vice-President Li Yuan-Hung, 1911-12. Special Delegate to the First National Educational Convention in Peking, July, 1912. Execu-tive Secretary, Lecture Department, National Committee of Y.M.C.A. of China, 1913 to date. Special Delegate to Convention of the World's Student Christian Federation in U.S.A., 1913. Honorary Secretary, Honorary Commercial Commission of China to the United States, 1915. Acting General Secretary, National Committee of Y.M.C.A. of China, 1916.

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