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卓镛诗 年二十六岁。生于广东香山。父冀堂。业商。已婚。女一。初学于南京金陵大学。及上海圣约翰大学。宣统三年。自费游美。后得半官费。入斯丹佛大学。习经济科。民国四年。得学士学位。为世界会副会长。西美留学生会会长。西美基督教留学生会副会长。民国四年。回国。任上海靑年会教育科书记。通信处。上海四川路一百二十号。

Chuck, Y. S.-Born in Hsiangshan, Kwangtung, 1891. Married, 1910. Studied at the University of Nanking, 1905-6; at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1906-11. Arrived in America, October, 1911. Partial government support. Studied Economics at Leland Stanford Universtiy, 1912-15. B.A., 1915. Chair-man, Chinese Students' Alliance, Western Section, 1913-14, Vice-President: Stanford Cosmopolitan Club, 1914-15; Western Department, Chinese Students' Christian Association, 1914-15. Returned to China, September, 1915. Educa-tional Secretary, Chinese Y.M.C.A., Shanghai, 1915 to date.

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