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胡先骕 字步曾。年二十三岁。生于南昌。兄先骐。任军官。已婚。初学于南昌洪都中学。及北京大学。民国二年。以官医游美。入加利佛尼大学。习植物学及农学。民国五年。得学士学位。被选入某某名誉学会。为西美留学生会中文书记。又为加利佛尼会中文书记及副会长。为留美学生季报及科学杂志通信员及经理。民国五年。回国。现时住址。北京铁门。

Hu. H. H.-Born in Nanchang, 1894. Married, 1912. Studied at Hung Du Middle School, Nanchang, 1907-9: at Government University, Peking, 1909-12. Arrived in America, January, 1913. Government support. Studied Botany and Agronomy at the University of California, 1913-16. B.A., 1916. Elected to Sigma Xi and Beta Kappa Alpha, April, 1916. Chinese Secretary: Chinese Students' Alliance, Western Section and Cali-fornia Chinese Students' Club, 1914-15. Vice-President, California Chinese Students' Club, 1915. Manager and Correspondent, Chinese Students' Quarterly and Science, 1915-16. Returned to China, July, 1916.

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