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胡诒谷 字文甫。年四十一岁。生于浙江慈谿县。兄诒经。业商。弟诒芳。充任教员。已婚。子二。女三。永久通信岁。上海天主堂街泰和里十二号。初学于圣约翰大学。任圣约翰大学图书室管理及文案。又任南洋公学英文教员。为约翰声编辑。著有英汉袖珍字典。光緖三十二年。以官费游美。入加利佛尼大学。习法律及政治。又入芝加哥大学。习法律。光緖三十四年。得学士学位。入伊里诺爱大学。习法律。宣统元年。得法学士学位。为民政学会及演说会会员。世界会会长。宣统元年。回国。任邮传部法律顾问。及京师大学堂法科教员。民国元年。任上海南洋公学教务长。民国二年。任北京大理院推事。现仍此职。给予四等嘉禾章。晋给三等嘉禾章。为法学会会员。及中国政治社会学会会员。现时通信处。北京王府井大街三巷西口三十号。

Hu, Wenfu Yiko.-Born in Szechi. Chekiang, 1876. Married, 1897. Studied at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1890-97. Librarian and Secretary, St. John's University, 1897-99. Instructor in English, Nanyang College, Shanghai, 1899-1906. Editor, St. John's Echo, 1895-97. Author, "Pocket Chinese and English Dictionary", 1908. Arrived in America, January, 1906. Government support. Studied Law and Political Science at the University of California, 1906; at the University of Chicago, 1906-8; at the University of Illinois, 1908-9. A.B. 1908: LL.B., 1909. Member: Commonwealth Club, 1906-8; The Reynolds Club, 1907-8; The Oratorical Association, 1908-9. President, Cosmopolitan Club, 1907-9. Returned to China, September, 1909. Legal Adviser, Ministry of Communications and Professor of Law, Government University, Peking, 1909-12. Dean, Nanyang College, Shanghai, 1912-13. Justice, Supreme Court of China, Peking, 1913 to date. Member: Chinese Law Club, 1913; Chinese Social and Political Science Association, 1915. Fourth and Third Class Chia Ho Decorations.

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