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兪庆恩 字凤宾。年三十二年。生于江苏太仓。父隶云。弟庆尧。已婚。子三。女四。永久住址。上海西门外陆家花园内。光緖三十一年。毕业于圣约翰大学。入同仁医院实习。光緖三十四年毕业。得医学士学位。任同仁医院医生。及南洋公学校医。民国元年。自费游美。入本薛文尼大学。习公众卫生。及热地医术。民国二年。著鼠之血精之研究一书。得博士学位。及热地医术特优成绩文凭。为本薛文尼中国学生会会长及书记。充世界会第八次常年会议代表。民国三年。回国。民国四年。任上海交通部工业专门学校校医。及江苏省教育会卫生学讲员。民国五年。任医学名词审查会会员。及中华医学会副会长。为上海靑年会童子部职员。上海寰球中国学生会职员。中华医学杂志编辑。著有学校卫生讲义。及个人卫生讲义。均江苏教育会出版。现时通信处。上海英大马路三十四号。

Yui, C. Voonping.-Born in Taichang, Kiangsu, 1885. Mar-ried, 1902. Studied Liberal Arts at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1898-1905; Medicine at St. Luke's Hospital, 1905-9. M.D., 1908. House Physician, St. Luke's Hospital, 1906-8 and House Surgeon, 1908-9. College Physician, Nanyang College, 1909-11. Arrived in America, September, 1912. Private support. Studied Public Hygiene and Tropical Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, 1912-14. D.P.H., 1913. Received certi-ficate of proficiency in Tropical Medicine, 1913. Subject of doctor's Dissertation:-"Cultivation of Spirocheates and Fixability of Complement in Rat's serum". Secretary, Pennsylvania Students' Club, 1913, and President, 1914. Representative of the Cosmopolitan Club to the 8th Annual Con-ference, 1913. Returned to China, May, 1914. College Physician, Government Institute of Technology, Shanghai, 1915. Lecturer on Hygiene, Kiangsu Educational Association, 1915-16. Delegate to the Conference of Medical Terminology, 1916. Member of Committee, Boys' Department, Shanghai Y.M.C.A., 1915-16. Member of Committee, World's Chinese Students' Federation, 1915-16. Author, "School Hygiene" and "Personal Hygiene", Kiangsu Educational Association, 1916, etc., etc. Editor, National Medical Journal, 1916.

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