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徐维震 字旭瀛。年三十六岁。生于浙江桐鄕。本籍住址。浙江屠甸镇南市徐宅。已婚。子一女一。初毕业于上海南洋公学。考取附生。光緖三十一年。以官费游美。入加利佛尼大学。习法律及政治。光緖三十二年。入芝加哥大学。光緖三十四年。入印第安那大学。宣统元年。得法学士学位。为政治学会法律学会史学会世界会留美学生会等会会员。宣统元年回国。历任邮传部参议厅法律参订员。邮传部铁路总局交涉课课长。宣统二年。授法政科举人。任学部主事。海军部司法官。法制院办事。入民国。财政部大借款办事。上海镇守使署法律顾问。大理院推事。给予四等嘉禾章。五等文虎章。晋给三等嘉禾章。又历任北京财政学堂交通传习所国立法政专门学校及北京大学教员。现时住址。北京王府井大街三巷西口。

Hsü, Shöwin Wetzen.-Born in Tunghsiang, Chekiang, 1881. Mar-ried, 1909. Studied at Nanyang College, Shanghai, 1898-1904. Graduated, 1904. Hsiu Tsai, 1904. Arrived in America, January, 1903. Government support. Studied Law and Political Science at the University of California, 1905-6; at the University of Chicago, 1906-8; at the University of Indiana, 1908-9. LL. B., 1909. Member: Political Science Association, 1906-8; Law Club, 1906-8; History Club, 1908-09; Chinese Students' Alliance and Cosmopoli-tan Club in Chicago and Indiana, 1906-9. Returned to China, November, 1909. Compiler of Railway and Navigation Laws, Ministry of Communications, 1909-11. Chief of the Foreign Intercourse Bureau, Railway Department, Ministry of Communications, 1909-11. Junior Secretary, Ministry of Education, 1910-11. Judge Advocate, Ministry of Navy, 1910-12. Member: Legislative Bureau, 1911-12; Foreign Loan Commission, Ministry of Finance, 1912. Legal Adviser to the Military Governor of Shanghai, 1913. Justice, Supreme Court of China, 1911 to date. Fifth Class Wen Hu and Third and Fourth Class Chia Ho Decorations. Lecturer on History, Law and Political Science: College of Finance: College of Communications; the National Law School; Government University, Peking, 1910 to date. Chu Jen, 1910.

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