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徐廷爵 字健侯。年四十一岁。生于广东香山。永久通信处。天津英租界中街一百零四号。已婚。子二。女五。初学于上海梅溪书院。中西书院。及北洋大学。光緖二十六年。自费游美。入倭克兰工业学校。习商业。光緖二十七年。入东人学校。光緖二十九年。入纽伯佛染织学校。习机织科。光緖三十一年。回国。光緖三十三年。任奉天劝业道署佥事。光緖三十四年。兼任奉天矿务局长。宣统二年。任津浦铁路局局长。民国二年。任京奉铁路局局长。给予三等嘉禾章。及五等文虎章。现时通信处。天津京奉铁路局。

Hsü, Ting-Chuck.-Born in Hsiangshan, Kwangtung, 1876. Mar-ried. Studied at Mei Tse Academy, Shanghai, 1891-93; at Anglo-Chinese College, Tientsin, 1894-96; at Peiyang University, Tientsin, 1893-1900. Arrived in America, August, 1900. Private support. Studied Commerce at Polytechnic College, Oakland, 1900-1 and at Eastman College, N.Y., 1901-2; Textile at New Bedford Textile College, 1903-5. Returned to China, October, 1905. Junior Secretary, Commissioner of Industry at Mukden, 1907-10. Director, Mining Bureau, Mukden, 1908-10. Director: Tientsin-Pukow Railway, Tientsin, 1910-12: Peking Mukden Railway, Tientsin, 1913 to date. Fifth Class Wen Hu and Third Class Chia Ho Decorations.

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