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梁福初 字君履。年二十六岁。生于广州。本籍住址。广州十六甫八号。已婚。初学于香港拔萃书室。及广州岭南学校。宣统元年。充驻德中国使馆随习学生。宣统二年。自费游美。入威里斯顿学校。宣统三年。入安姆斯学校。民国元年。入薛雷克斯大学。习历史政治学。民国四年。得学士学位。曾在薛雷克斯模范村贫民子弟教导团。任教员及庶务。民国四年回国。民国五年。任北京淸华学校教员。兼留美回国学生通信处书记。为中国社会政治学报襄理。美国大学会会员。现时通信处。北京淸华学校。

Liang, Foo-Tso.-Born in Canton, 1891. Married, 1915. Studied at Diocesan College, Hongkong, 1902-5; at Canton Christian College, 1905-9. Student Attaché, Chinese Legation, Germany, 1909-10. Arrived in America, August, 1910. Private support. Prepared for college at Williston Seminary, 1910-11. Studied Agriculture at Amherst Agricultural College, 1911 12: History and Political Science at Syracuse University, 1912-15. A. B., 1915. Teacher and Worker, Syracuse Social Settlement, 1914. Returned to China, July, 1915. Teacher, Tsing Hua College, 1916 to date. Secretary, American Returned Students' Information Bureau, 1916 to date. Assistant Business Manager, Chinese Social and Political Science Review, 1916 to date. Member, American College Club, Peking.

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