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梁敦彦 字嵩生。年五十九岁。生于广东顺德。本籍住址。广东顺德龙眼村。已婚。子二。女一。初学于香港维多利亚学校。同治十一年。以官费游美。入哈特佛小学及中学。光緖四年。入耶路大学。被选入某学会。光緖七年。回国。任天津电报学堂教员。光緖十一年。任卾督张文襄公文案。光緖二十九年。任汉黄德道。光緖三十年。任天津道。光緖三十三年。任外务部侍郞。光緖三十四年。任外务部尚书。民国三年。任交通部总长。宣统三年。由耶路大学。赠与学士及文学博士学位。给予一等双龙章。一等嘉禾章。并由外国政府给予宝星等。现时住址。北京蔴线胡同。

Liang Tung-Yen.-Born in Shun-The, Kwangtung, 1851. Married. Studied at Victoria School, Hongkong, 1869-71. Arrived in America, 1872. Government support. Studied at Hartford Grammar School, 1873-74; at Hartford High School, 1874-78; at Yale University, 1878-81. Elected to Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1880. Returned to China, September, 1881. Teacher, Telegraph School, Tientsin, 1881-84. Secretary to Viceroy Chang Chi-Tung at Wuchang, 1885-1903. Taotai of Hankow, 1903. Taotai of Tientsin, 1904-7. Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1807-8. Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1908-10. Minister of Communications, 1914-16. B.A. and LL. D. Yale, 1911. First Class Double Dragon and First Class Chia Ho of China and other decorations from foreign governments.

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