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陈锦涛 字澜生。年四十七岁。生于广东南海。已婚。子一。女二。永久住址。天津英界西开宝华里五号。初毕业于香港皇仁书院。任该校教员。又任北洋大学教员。光緖二十七年。以官费游美。入加利佛尼大学。习数学及社会学。光緖二十八年。得硕士学位。入耶路大学。习经济学。光緖三十二年。著社会流转货币论。得博士学位。是年回国。授翰林。历任广州及北京视学官。大淸银行监理官。度支部预算编制科科长。度支部财政统计科科长。印铸局副总裁。币制改良会会长。大淸银行副监督。资政院议员。袁内阁度支部副大臣。入民国后。历任南京临时政府财政总长。充赴美国波士顿万国商会代表。又充赴美国巴拿马赛会选择中国馆地址委员。任中央审计处处长。驻欧洲财政委员。大总统府顾问。民国五年至六年。任财政部总长。兼署外交部总长。给予二等宝光嘉禾章。现时住址。北京宣武门内东铁匠胡同。

Chen, Chin-Tao.-Born in Nan-Hai, Kwangtung, 1870. Married. Graduated from Queen's College, Hongkong. Was instructor at Queen's College and professor at Peiyang University. Arrived in America, 1901. Government support. Studied Mathematics and Social Science at the University of California, 1901-2; Political Economy at Yale University, 1902-6. M.S., 1902; Ph. D., 1906. Subject of doctor's dissertation:-"Societary Circulation." Returned to China, 1906. Hanlin, 1906. Was Inspector of Education at Canton and Peking; Inspector of Ta-Ching Government Bank; Chief of the Department of Budgets in the Ministry of Finance; Chief of the Department of Financial Statistics in the Ministry of Finance; Vice-Director of the Bureau of Printing and Engraving; Chairman of the Currency Reform Commission; Vice-Governor of the Ta-Ching Government Bank; Member of the Tze Cheng Yuan; Vice-President of the Ministry of Finance in Yuan Shih-Kai's Cabinet; Minister of Finance, Nanking Provisional Government: Representative to the Interna-tional Conference of Chamber of Commerce, Boston, U.S.A.; Commissioner to select site for Chinese Government Pavilion at the Panama-Pacific Interna-tional Exposition, San Francisco; Auditor-General of the Central Audit Bureau; Financial Commissioner to Europe; Advisor to President; Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs; etc. Minister of Finance, 1916-17. Second Class Pao-Kwan Chia Ho Decoration.

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