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陈同寿 字受彤。生于江苏苏州。年三十七岁。弟明寿。已婚。子一。初毕业于上海南洋公学。光緖三十一年。以官费游美。入加利佛尼大学。习土木工程。光緖三十三年。入威斯康心大学。习普通文科。光緖三十四年。入伊里诺爱大学。习铁路管法理及经济。宣统二年。得学士学位。宣统三年。得学士硕士学位。为世界会会员。宣统三年回国。授进士。任北京财政学堂教员。民国元年。任上海南洋公学教员。及交通部技士。民国二年。任交通部视察及技正。民国三年。任交通部铁路会计司科长。给予五等嘉禾章。为中国政治社会学会会员。现时通信处。北京西单牌楼察院胡同六号。

Zhen, Juedan Tun-Shou.-Born in Soochow, 1881. Married, 1902. Studied at Nanyang College, Shanghai, 1898-1904. Graduated, 1904. Arrived in America, February, 1905. Government support. Studied Civil Engineering at the University of California, 1905-7; Liberal Arts at the University of Wisconsin, 1907-8; Railway Engineering and Economics at the University of Illinois, 1908-11. B.A., 1910; B.S. and M.A., 1911. Member, Cosmopolitan Club, 1907. Returned to China, August, 1911. Teacher of Mathematics, College of Finance, Peking, 1911. Professor of Civil Engineering, Nanyang College, Shanghai, 1912. Technical Associate, 1912-13; General Inspector, 1913; Technical Expert, 1913-13; and Chief, Department of Railway Statistics, Accounts, etc., 1914-16, Ministry of Com-munications. Chin Shih, 1911. Fifth Class Chia Ho Decoration. Member, Chinese Social and Political Science Association, 1915.

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