弘扬华夏古籍 传承国粹精华


张廷金 字贡九。年三十岁。生于江苏无锡。已婚。永久通信处。上海寰球中国学生会收转。初毕业于上海南洋公学。宣统元年。以官费游美。入威斯康心大学。习电气工程。宣统三年。入鄂海阿省立大学。民国二年。得电气工程师学位。入哈佛大学。兼习商业管理法。民国三年。得电气工程师学位。为世界会会员。鄂海阿省中国学生会会长。美国电气工程师学会会员。发明电动力甚大之铅电池。曾在波士顿之爱迭生公司。充学习工程师。民国四年。回国。任上海南洋公学教员。为江苏教育总会编审员。寰球中国学生会会员。中华实业界编辑。现时通信处。上海南洋公学收转。

Chang, Ting-Chin.-Born in Wusih, Kiangsu, 1887. Married, 1909. Studied at Nanyang College, Shanghai, 1904-9. Graduated, 1909. Arrived in America. October, 1909. Government support. Studied Electrical Engineer-ing at the University of Wisconsin, 1910-11 and at the State University of Ohio, 1911-13; Electrical Engineering and Business Administration at Harvard University, 1913-15. M.E., 1913; M.E.E., 1914. Member, Cosmopolitan Club, 1910-15. President, Ohio State Chinese Students' Club, 1912-13. As-sociate Member, American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1913. Inverted High Voltage Lead Storage Battery. Manager, Chinese Students' Monthly, 1913-15. Student Engineer, Boston Edison Co., 1914-15. Returned to China, July, 1915. Instructor, Nanyang College, 1915 to date. Member, World's Chinese Students' Federation and Standing Committee of the Kiang-su Educational Association, 1916. Editor, Chung Hua Industrial Magazine, 1916 to date.

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