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章祖纯 字子山。年三十五岁。生于浙江湖州。本籍住址。浙江湖州荻港镇。兄祖申。外交部参事。已婚。子一女一。初学于南洋公学。任湖州中学堂教员。光緖三十四年。以官费游美。入加利佛尼大学。习农业。民国元年。得学士学位。曾在万国旱田农事会。演说中国旱田农事。民国元年。回国。任农林部佥事及统计科科长。民国二年。任农商部技正及农林司第三科科长。兼中央农事试验场病虫害科科长。民国三年以还。兼代中央农事试验场场长。民国四年。充农商部派赴巴拿马博览会委员。给予五等嘉禾章。著有巴拿马博览会调查报告。治蝗辑要等书。现时住址。北京西单牌楼大同公寓。

Chang, T. Z.-Born in Huchow, Chekiang, 1882. Married, 1871. Graduated from Nanyang College, Shanghai, 1906. Teacher of English, Huchow Middle School, 1906-8. Arrived in America, August, 1908. Government support. Studied Agriculture at the University of California, 1908-12. B.S., 1912. Delegate to the International Dry-Farming Congress, 1911. Returned to China, September, 1912. Senior Secretary and Chief of Division of Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 1912-13. Technical Expert and Chief of Division of Investigation, Bureau of Agricul-ture and Forestry, and also Chief of Department of Plant Pathology and Entomology, Central Agricultural Experiment Station, 1914. Commissioner to Panama Pacific International Exposition, 1915. Fifth Class Chia Ho Decoration.

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