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黄添福 字寿廷。年三十一岁。生于福建厦门。父文兰。业商。已婚。子二。本籍通信处。福建厦门禾山文灶社。初学于厦门同文书院。及菲律宾群岛。光緖三十二年。自费游美。入某某两高等学校预备。宣统元年。入米西根大学。习法律。宣统二年。入德特洛法律学校。民国二年。得法学士学位。以作文及演说得奖。为米西根世界会副会长。慈善会会长。德特洛中国学生会会长。作文二十六篇。投登各报。在校时演说七十八次。为哲佛森会辩论团团员。评论之评论报干事。某商店襄理。民国二年。回国。任上海靑年会学校教员。民国三年。任上海商业学校教员。及中国公学教员。民国四年。任上海交通部工业专门学校。及苏州东吴大学法科教员。现在上海充当律师。著有英文作文要法。上海中华书局出版。现时通信处。上海霞飞路二百八十九号。

Franking, T. H.-Born in Amoy, 1886. Married, 1912. Studied at Tung-Wen Institute, Amoy, 1898; at Anglo-Chinese School, Cebu, Philippine Islands, 1902; at Cebu Provincial High School, Cebu, 1904; at Manila Funo College, Manila, 1906. Arrived in America, September, 1906. Private support. Prepared for college at Ann Arbor High School, 1906; at Grand Rapids Central High School, 1909. Studied Law at the University of Michigan, 1909-10; at Detroit College of Law, 1910-13. LL. B., 1913. Awarded prizes for literatry work, 1910; for oration, 1913. Vice-President, Michigan Cosmopolitan Club and Chairman, Private Aid Association, 1912. President, Detroit Chinese Students' Club, 1913. Contributed 26 articles to different mag-azines and news-papers and delivered altogether 78 speeches before various audience while in college. Member, Debating Team of Jeffersonial Society, 1910. Agent for the Review of Reviews, New York, 1912. Office Assistant, Wilbur Merchantile Agency, Detroit, 1913. Returned to China, December, 1913. Teacher: Y.M.C.A. Day School, Shanghai, 1913; Commercial College, Shanghai, 1914; National Institute, Woosung, 1914; Government Institute of Technology, Shanghai, 1915; Law Department, Soochow University, 1915. Attorney and Councillor-at-Law, Shanghai, 1915 to date. Author, "Essentials of English Composition," Chung Hua Book Company, Shanghai, 1916.

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