弘扬华夏古籍 传承国粹精华


黄荣辉 字荣辉。年二十九岁。生于广州。父昂杰。业商。已婚。女三。光緖三十一年。自费游美。入苏娄学校。习商业。宣统元年。入康奈尔大学。习普通文科。宣统二年。入伊里诺爱大学。习商业管理法。民国二年。得学士学位。以学绩得银牌奖。又以演说得金牌奖。为伊里诺爱中国学生会会员。及副会长。民国二年。回国。民国三年。任上海哈佛医学校庶务长。民国四年。任上海金星人寿保险公司保险技师及会计。民国五年。兼任上海金星水火保险公司保险技师。住址及通信处。上海北四川路一百二十七号。

Wong, Wing-Fooe-Born in Canton, 1888. Married, 1910. Arrived in America, May, 1905. Private support. Studied Business at Soule College, 1905-8; Liberal Arts at Cornell University, 1909; Business Administration at the University of Illinois, 1910-13. A.B., 1913. Awarded silver medal for high scholarship, January, 1907; gold medal for oration, May, 1908. Member and Vice-President, Illinois Chinese Students' Club, 1912-13. Returned to China, October, 1913. Business Manager, Harvard Medical School, Shanghai, 1914. Actuary and Treasurer, Venus Life Assurance Company, Ltd., Shanghai, 1915 to date. Actuary, Venus Fire and Marine Assurance Company, 1916 to date.

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