弘扬华夏古籍 传承国粹精华


郑润田 年二十七岁。生于香港。未婚。初学于香港圣斯梯芬学校。宣统二年。游英国。入伦敦大学。宣统三年。入北明翰大学。民国二年。自费。由英赴美。入伊里诺爱大学。习铁路运输科。民国四年。得学士学位。是年回国。为香港某商行经理。住址及通信处。香港康乐道六十五号。

Cheng, Yun-Tin.-Born in Hongkong, 1890. Studied at St. Steph-en's College, Hongkong, 1904-9; at the University of London, England, 1910-11; at the University of Birmingham, England, 1911-13. Arrived in America, August, 1913. Private support. Studied Railway Transportation at the University of Illinois, 1913-15. B.A., 1915. Returned to China, October, 1915. Export Manager, Messrs. Yee-Kee Hong, Hongkong, 1916.

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