弘扬华夏古籍 传承国粹精华


刘玉麟 字葆森。年五十五岁。生于广东香山。已婚。子一。女五。初学于上海出洋局。同治十三年。以官费游美。入腓力学校等。光緖七年。毕业。得学士学位。是年回国。肄业天津电报学堂及医学堂。任李文忠公家塾教师。光緖八年。任纽约中国领事署翻译。光緖十年。任美京中国使馆翻译。光緖十一年。任驻新加坡总领事。光緖二十六年。任驻英使馆秘书官。光緖二十八年。任驻比公使。光緖三十一年。任驻南非洲总领事。及直隶候补道。宣统元年。任外务部侍郞。宣统二年。又民国三年。两任驻英全权公使。前淸给予一品封典。二品顶戴。二等宝星。民国给予二等嘉禾章。并经俄比德义葡各国。给予宝星。经剑桥大学。赠与文学博士学位。

Lew, Yuk-Lin.-Born in Hsiangshan, Kwangtung, 1862. Married, 1892. Studied at Educational Mission School, Shanghai. Arrived in America, December, 1874. Government support. Studied at Phillips Academy and other schools. A.B., 1881. Returned to China, December, 1881. Studied at Telegraph College and Medical College, Tientsin. Was tutor to Li Hung-Chang's family. Translator: Chinese Consulate at New York, 1882; Chinese Legation at Washington, D.C., 1884. Acting Consul-General at the Strait Settlement, 1885. Secretary, Chinese Legation in London, 1900. Charge d'Affaires at Brussels, 1902. Consul-General in South Africa, 1905. Expectant Taotai of Chihli, 1905. Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1909. Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary to Great Britain, 1910 and 1914. Official of Second Rank in the Tsing Dynasty. Second Class Chia Ho and Star Decorations, and decorations from Russia, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Portugal, etc. LL. D., Cambridge. Address: 111 Puria Grande, Macao.

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