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锺望荣 年二十八岁。生于檀香山。未婚。初学于檀香山。宣统元年。游美。入耶路大学。习矿科。民国元年。得学士学位。入哥仑比亚大学。民国二年。得硕士学位。在卡匿奇铁厂实习。民国四年。回国。任汉阳铁厂副工程师。现时通信处。湖北汉阳铁厂。

Chung, Mon-Yin.-Born in Honolulu, T. H., 1889. Studied at Punahou School, Honolulu, 1907-9. Arrived in America, July, 1909. Studied Mining at Yale University, 1909-12; at Columbia University, 1912-13. Ph.B., 1912; M.A., 1913. Was with the Homestead Steel Works of the Carnegie Steel Co., 1913-15. Returned to China, October, 1915. Assistant Engineer, Hanyang Iron and Steel Works, 1915 to date.

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