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邝富灼 字耀西。年四十七岁。生于广东新寗。已婚。子一。女三。永久通信处。上海北河南路商务印书馆。光緖八年。自费游美。光緖二十三年。入朴摩那学校。习文科。光緖二十八年。毕业。入加利佛尼大学。光緖三十一年。得文学士学位。入哥仑比亚大学。习教育及英文文学。光緖三十二年。得硕士学位。为留美学生年报编辑。得哥仑比亚大学师范科学金奖。光緖三十二年回国。光緖三十三年。授进士。任广州方言学堂。及两广高等学堂英文教员。光緖三十四年。任上海商务印书馆英文编辑。宣统二年。任上海中国公学教务长。宣统二年。任上海靑年会会长。编有教科书多种。均上海商务印书馆出版。为英文学生杂志及英语周刋编辑。现时通信处。上海赫林里八号。

Fong, F. Sec.-Born in Sunning, Kwangtung, 1870. Married, 1908. Arrived in America, March, 1882. Private support. Prepared for college at Pomona College, 1897-1902. Studied Literature at the University of California, 1902-5; Education and English at Columbia University, 1905-6. B.L., 1905; M.A. and Diploma in Education, 1906. Editor of the First Chinese Students' Annual, 1904-5. Awarded scholarship in Teachers' Col-lege, Columbia, 1905-6. Returned to China, October, 1906. Chin Shih, 1907. Teacher of English: College of Languages, Canton, 1906-8; Liangkwang College, Canton, 1907-8. English Editor, Commercial Press, Shanghai, 1908 to date. Dean, National Institute, Woosung, 1910-11. President, Shanghai Y.M.C.A., 1910 to date. Author of a number of text books published by the Commercial Press, Shanghai. Associate Editor, The English Student and English Weekly.

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