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谢恩隆 字孟博。年三十三岁。生于广东广州。已婚。父绍庭。弟欣荣。子一。本籍通信处。广州河南鹤鸣五巷二十四号。初学于香港皇仁书院。及天津北洋大学。光緖三十二年。游美。入麻省农业学校。习农业。宣统元年。得学士学位。入康奈尔大学。得学士学位。宣统三年。得硕士学位。被选入某名誉学会。在各农事试验场实习。民国元年。回国。任农林部技士。民国三年。任农商部技士。撰中国茶说。中国茶务报告。山东省产烟草报告。及加拿大万国旱田农业会议报告等。为农林公报及农商公报编辑。美国大学同学会会员。现时通信处。北京顺治门外上斜街番禺会馆。

Hsieh, En-Lung.-Born in Canton, 1884. Married, 1913. Studied at Queen's College, Hongkong, 1900-4; at Peiyang University, Tientsin, 1904-6. Arrived in America, June, 1906. Studied Agriculture at Massachusetts Agricultural College, 1906-9; at Cornell University, 1909-10. B.S., Mass. Agricultural College; B.A., Boston University, 1909; M.S., Cornell, 1911. Elected to Phi Kappa Phi, June, 1909. Worker in various agricultural eexperiment stations in America, 1909. Returned to China, June, 1912. Technical Expert, Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, 1912 to date. Author: "Report on International Dry Farming Congress at Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada," 1912; "Report on Tobacco Industry in Shantung Province" and "Chinese Tea," 1915, etc. Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 1912-15. Associate Editor, Journal of Agriculture aad Commerce, 1914 to date. Member, American College Club, Peking.

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