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魏文彬 字雅庭。年三十岁。生于直隶密云县。兄文仲。业商。未婚。初毕业于北京汇文大学。得学士学位。任该大学教员。宣统元年。以官费游美。入安姆斯学校。习普通文科。宣统二年。得学士学位。宣统三年。得硕士学位。入哥仑比亚大学。习经济及国际法。民国三年。著中国币制论一书。得博士学位。为东美留学生会会长。世界会会长。北美洲中国基督教学生会会长。留美学生月报总编辑。民国四年回国。是年任驻墨使馆三等秘书。旋改任驻美使馆三等秘书。著有外国资本家在中国之权利考。

Wei Wen-Pin.-Born in Mie-Yun, Chihli, 1887. Studied at Peking Methodist University, 1898-1908. A.B., 1908. Instructor, Methodist Univer-sity, 1908-9. Arrived in America, November, 1909. Government support. Studied Liberal Arts at Amherst College, 1909-11; Political Economy and International Law at Columbia University, 1911-14. A.B., 1910; M.A., 1911; Ph. D., 1914. Subject of doctor's dissertation:-"The Currency Problem in China", Longman, Green & Co., 1914. President: Chinese Students' Alliance, East Section, 1911-12; Cosmopolitan Club, 1912-13; Chinese Students' Chris-tian Association in North America, 1913-14. Editor-in-Chief, Chinese Stu-dents' Monthly, 1913-14. Returned to China, March, 1915. Third Secretary, Chinese Legation, Mexico, July, 1915. Third Secretary, Chinese Legation, Washington, D.C., December, 1915 to date. Author, "Concessions to Foreign Capitalists in China", Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1917. Present Address: Chinese Legation, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

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