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一、M. Arnold: Essavs in Criticism, I, II series.

二、M. Arnold: Essays in Literature.

三、W. Bagehot: Literary Studies, 2 vols.

四、E. Bjoerkman: Is There Anything New under thd Sun?

五、E. Dowden: Studies in Literature, 1789—1877.

六、H. Ellis: New Spirit

七、W. H. Hudson: Introduction to the Study of Literature.

八、J. Morley: Studies in Literature.

九、R. G. Moulton: Modern Study of Literature.

十、Sis A. Quiller-Couch: Studies in Literature.

十一、Saintsbury: History of Criticism and Literary Taste in Europe from the Earliest Time to the Present Day, 3 vols.

十二、G. Santayana:Interpretation of Poetry and Religion.

十三、W. Hazlitt:Spirit of the Age and Lectures on English Poets.

十四、L.Hearn: Appreciation of Poetry.

十五、W. B. Worsfold: The Principles of Criticism.

十六、有岛武郎 《生活与文学》

十七、横山有策 《文学概论》

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