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王景春 字兆熙。年三十五岁。生于直隶滦州。永久住址。北京裱褙胡同。已婚。子二。女一。初在北京汇文大学肄业。继充北京美国使馆书记及翻译。光緖三十年。自费游美。入威斯林大学。习理科。光緖三十二年。入耶路大学。习土木工程。光緖三十四年。得博士学位。入伊利诺爱大学。习铁路管理科。宣统元年。习政治及经济学。宣统三年。著英国铁路财政法。得博士学位。及伍廷芳之学行兼优奖品。为留美学生会会长。世界会会长。世界会协会会长。得有伊利诺爱大学铁路管理科名誉奖。在该大学充历史商业教员。任留美学生月报总编辑。又在伊利诺爱省铁路局。美国商业委员会。英京铁路局。及英国商部等处考察。宣统三年回国。供职北京邮传部。民国元年。任南京临时政府外交部参事。旋任京奉铁路会办。民国二年。任京汉铁路会办。民国三年至五年。任铁路会计统一会副会长。及交通部铁路会计司司长。曾充波士顿第五次万国商业会议代表。及巴拿马博览会代表。民国五年。任交通部参事。民国六年。充第五次中日铁路联运会议委员。前赴日本。归任京奉铁路局长。为欧美同学会及美国大学会会长。中国社会政治学杂志编辑。所著论文甚多。不及载备。给予三等嘉禾章。现时住址。北京崇文门铁匠营十六号。

Wang, Ching-Chun.-Born in Lanchow, Chihli, 1882. Married, 1903. Studied at Peking Methodist University, Peking. Clerk and Interpreter, American Legation at Peking, 1900-4. Arrived in America, April, 1904. Private support. Studied Science at Ohio Wesleyan University, 1905-6. Civil Engineering at Yale University, 1906-8; Railway Administration at the Uni-versity of Illinois, 1908-9; Economics and Political Science at the same institution, 1910-11. Ph. B., 1908; M.A., 1909; Ph. D., 1911. Subject of doctor's Dissertation:-"Legislative Regulation of Railway Finance in England." Awarded Wu Ting-Fang's Prize for scholarship and general conduct, August, 1909. President: Chinese Students' Alliance, 1907-8; Cosmopolitan Club, 1908-9; Association of Cosmopolitan Clubs, 1909-10. Honorary Fellowship in Railway Administration, University of Illinois, 1909-11. Teacher in Oriental History and Commerce, University of Illinois, 1909-10. Editor, Chinese Students' Monthly, 1907 and Editor-in-Chief, 1908-9. Carried on investigation for some time with the Illinois Central Railway, Interstate Commerce Commission, U.S.A. and North Western Railway and Board of Trade in London. Returned to China, November, 1911. Member, Ministry of Communications, Peking, 1911. Councillor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Provisional Government, Nanking, 1912. Co-Director: Peking-Mukden Railway, 1912-13; Peking-Hankow Railway, 1913-14. Was Vice-Chairman of the Commission on the Unification of Railway Accounts and Statistics; Director of Railway Finance and Accounts; Official Delegate to the Fifth International Congress of Commerce in Boston and to the Panama-Pacific Exposition to open the grounds. Councillor; Ministry of Communications, 1916-17. Special government delegate to a railway conference in Japan, 1917. Director, Peking-Mukden Railway, 1917. President: European-American Returned Students' Club, 1915-16; American College Club, 1916-17. Editor, Chinese Social and Political Science Review. Third Class Chia Ho Decoration. Contributor of many articles to magazines such as the North Ameri-can Review, Atlantic Monthly, etc., while in college and since returned to China.

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