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王宠惠 字亮畴。年三十五岁。生于广东。已婚。初学于天津北洋大学。游美。入耶路大学。光緖三十年。得法律博士学位。译德国民法为英文。为美国法律学会杂志编辑。继留学英德两国。习法律。在英国充当律师。回国后。于宣统三年。任南京临时政府外交总长。民国元年。任司法总长。民国三年。任上海复旦公学副校长。民国六年。任司法部法律编查会会长。为中华书局编辑。

Wang, Chung-Hui.-Born in Kwangtung, 1882. Married. Studied at Peiyang University, Tientsin, 1895-1900. D.C.L., Yale, 1904. Translated the German Civil Code into English. Was Co-Editor of the Journal of the American Bar Association. Studied Law in England and Germany. Called to the English Bar at the Inner Temple. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Provisional Government, Nanking, 1911. Minister of Justice, First Republican Cabinet, 1912. Vice-President, Fu Tan College, Shanghai, 1914-16. Chair-man, Civil and Criminal Code Commission, Peking, 1917. Editor, Chung Hua Book Company.

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