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朱神惠 字季柳。年三十五岁。生于美国旧金山。已婚。女四。光緖二十七年。自费入加利佛尼大学。习理科。继改习医科。光緖三十四年。得医学博士学位。转入哈佛大学医科。宣统元年。得医学博士学位。曾在万国肺痨病会。演说中国之肺痨病。为西部留美学生会报经理及编辑。宣统元年回国。任唐山路矿学校校医。东三省医院主任医官。民国三年。任京奉铁路眼科医生。现仍此职。住址及通信处。天津五号路四十二号。

Jee, S. Pond M.-Born in San Francisco, 1882. Married, 1910. Studied Natural Science at the University of California, 1901-4; Medicine at the University of California, 1904-8, and at Harvard University, 1908-9. Private support. M.D., 1908 and 1909. Member, Athertin Club, 1901-4. Spoke on "Tuberculosis in China" at the International Tuberculosis Congress, 1908. Manager, Western Chinese Students' Alliance Journal, 1905. Editor, Western Chinese Students' Alliance Monthly, 1908. Returned to China, December, 1909. Resident Physician, Tangshan Railway and Engineering College, Tangshan, 1910-11, Chief Medical Officer, Mancouli Hospital, Manchuria, 1911-12. Eye Surgeon, Peking-Mukden Line, Tien-tsin, 1913 to date.

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