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朱神恩 字锡年。年三十四岁。原籍广东开平县。生于美国旧金山。永久通信处。天津英界西开宝华里六号。已婚。子一。在美系自费。光緖二十九年。入加利佛尼大学。习经济学。光緖三十三年。得学士学位。入哈佛大学。习经济及理财学。宣统元年。得硕士学位。为校中辩论会书记。及校中年报编辑。宣统二年回国。任唐山路矿学校英文及经济教员。宣统三年。任北京财政学堂教员。民国元年。任财政部部员。兼币制改良会会员。民国二年。派赴欧洲考察财政。民国五年。署财政部秘书。现时住址。北京宣武门内南闹市口。

Jee, Shien-Yien Luther M.-Born in San Francisco, California, 1883. Married. Private support. Studied Economics at the University of California, 1903-7; Economics and Finance at Harvard University, 1907-9. B.S., 1907; M.A., 1909. Secretary, Congress Debating Society, 1905-7. Associate Editor, College Annual, 1906. Returned to China, July, 1910. Professor of English and Economics: Tangshan Railway & Engineering College, Tangshan, 1910-11; Imperial College of Finance, Peking, 1911. Member: Ministry of Finance, 1912; The Currency Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, 1912; Financial Commission to Europe, 1912-14. Act-ing Secretary, Ministry of Finance, 1916 to date.

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